4 Robots That You Can Trust With Your Household Chores
Robot. Skynet. Automation. When we think about automatic mechanical devices built to carry out specific tasks, we’re probably confused by the diverse visuals that come to mind.
The first robot ever conceived can probably be dated back to 3000 B.C. in ancient Egypt where water clocks manipulated human figures to strike hourly bells. If you fell in love with science fiction during the 70s, you likely imagine something like C-3P0. If you loved 80s action movies, maybe the Terminator was more your style.
What we DO know is that robotics is no longer the sole province of science fiction. They are real and they are here — though in more forms than we might have anticipated. In fact, you might have invented a robot into your home already!
Today, we are going to introduce our readers to four robots that can take care of your household chores for you.
1) MowRo Robotic Lawn Mower
There are few things in life as uniquely grueling as mowing the lawn on your day off. The MowRo Robotic Lawn Mower was developed to handle the lawn as well as other yard chores for you.
Powered by a lithium-ion battery at 28-volts, this largely quiet machine can mow while you (and the neighborhood) get your sleep at night.
2) iRobot Roomba s9 Plus
Move over DJ Roomba — the iRobot Roomba s9 Plus is the top robot vacuum cleaner on the market. Developed to replace full-size vacuums, this automated cleaner is compatible with Alexa as well as Google Assistant. Now you can shout at your vacuum cleaner while still getting things done.
Charging household devices can get cumbersome, so it makes sense to pair a product like the iRobot Roomba s9 with a device specifically designed for wireless charging for robotics. Wireless power transfer can allow for household robots to continue working without requiring direct contact with any specific wireless charging station. For a household looking at automation as a long-term chore solution, this could be a life-changing addition to the home.
3) ECOVACS Robotic Window Cleaner
Cleaning the windows doesn’t necessarily constitute the most exciting of affairs. Rather than waste your afternoon with cleaning supplies in-hand, simply power up the ECOVACS Robotic Window Cleaner. Developed to automate cleaning windows, the ECOVACS robot simply suctions to the glass and then begins its cleaning duties through a squeegee and cleaning pad, both built into the device itself.
Wireless charging solutions give the ECOVAC Window Cleaner the ability to extensively clean large rooms and windows with minimal power-charging interference.
4) Paxcess Robotic Pool Cleaner
Round out your automation services with the Paxcess Robotic Pool Cleaner to enjoy automated pool cleaning. Rolling along the walls, floors, and pool stairs, this cleaner scrubs away at every surface while simultaneously cleaning dirty, bacteria, and other debris.
The first modern robot that we can point at was crafted by George C. Devol in the 1950s. He created a ‘reprogrammable manipulator’ known as Unimate. While the product failed, Devol’s work would be integral in pushing for the robotic revolution that we’ve been enjoying throughout today’s discussion.